Reporting & Planning

Bring your data to life in just a few clicks. Experience ease of use and automation while saving hours on report building and planning.


The smart way to turn data into insights.

Reporting & Planning Made Easy

Our solution is not just software, it’s your key to simplifying complex data.


In a few clicks connect your financial and nonfinancial data from QBO, Xero, Google Sheets, and Microsoft Excel. Automate routine tasks and deliver visually enhanced and interactive insights in record time.


Automate impressive reports and dashboards with customizable, ready-made templates for enhanced decision-making with best-practice data analytics. Build and reuse your own template.


Customize every template to your preference. Use your own branding and colors. Mix and match any of your visuals. Rearrange, resize, realign and create polished reports with ease.

3-Way FP&A

Experience the next level of financial planning within a familiar environment that integrates a dynamic, intelligent spreadsheet. Leverage automatic Balance Sheet and Cash Flow forecasting.


Reporting, Planning, Consolidation, & Communication

No need for extensive training. Our software features an intuitive and user-friendly interface, making reporting, planning and consolidation accessible for data teams at all skill levels.


Multi-Business Consolidation


Cash Flow




Multi-Business Consolidation


Cash Flow




Case Studies

Learn how professionals are using Reach Reporting to grow their businesses.

Say goodbye to limitations.

We go further.

Better Storytelling

Use advanced functionalities like dynamic statements, interactive visuals, and live text. Highlight insights with conditional formatting. Set goals and targets and visualize trends.

Intuitive Customization

Harness the power of familiar spreadsheet environment and formulas. Rearrange, resize and realign visuals with ease. Switch between chart types in a click.


Enhanced Visualization

Tailor every element to match your preferences. Use your own branding including logos, colors, currency symbols, financial labels and disclaimers. Guarantee consistent quality.

Scalable Deliverables

Our templates scale to accommodate growing reporting requirements. In seconds your templates will be populated and personalized for both old and new users alike.

We Can Help

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See what

professionals are saying!

Templates are Fantastic

“Love the ability to create templates of metrics and reports that you and your team can use across the platform.”

Incredibly Powerful

“It’s basically what would happen if Tableau and Excel had a baby. They somehow were able to pack every feature you could want, Made it incredibly powerful, and still make it a pleasure to use. “


“The customization is very easy to use, intuitive and very much designed to think like Excel but, of course, without the potential for human interface errors, constant updating.”

The Best Tool

“This tool is HANDS DOWN the best tool that I have ever used to produce financials, trends, and KPIs. I have been looking for this tool my ENTIRE career.”

Blown Away

“I was blown away! I love how customize-able it is because as a Non-profit, all our lingo is different, even when using the Non-profit version of QuickBooks.”

Reach Has Set the Standard

Reach has set the standard for all other integrated reporting systems. User friendly & customizable. Our clients look forward to getting their Reach Report every month!

Game Changer

3-way planning and forecasting without touching Excel, seamless consolidations, and tailored company reporting that updates each month has changed my planning and reporting processes for ever.

Great Report Consolidation!

Excited to use Reach Reporting to process multiple reports more quickly. Being able to customize what reports I’d like to use and then process with one click is simply amazing

Great reporting tool

Intuitive tool that connects easily with Xero. Has some great features to make professional reports in no time

Helps Summarize

“This could be a great way to help them summarize the financial activities of the business in a simple and easy to use format.”


“Reach reporting is amazing and so easy to work with.”


“I really like that this app makes it simple and easy to create really nice looking dashboards that I can share with my teammates.”

Excellent Integrated Software

The data syncs easily making metrics easy to build. The graph and customization options are endless and make great post market review easy.

Helps Summarize

“Helps us see trends on monthly financial reports which give context to monthly values and make them actionable.”